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Tree Black

January 7th - February 25th

This course offers a comprehensive approach that teaches ancient techniques and appropriate methods to activate and integrate every part of the chakra system in a safe and balanced way.

8 classes

Tree Black

February 26th - March 19th

This 4-week in-depth course helps you evaluate your life and develop the skills to make positive decisions and changes that will bring success and balance into all aspects of your life.

4 classes

Tree Black

April 2nd - May 7th

This introductory course explores yoga as a way of life and an integrated system of education for the body, mind, and inner spirit.

6 classes

Tree Black

February 21st - March 21st

This course introduces Tai Chi as a method of combining yoga and meditation through gentle movements. The practice serves as a meditative exercise for the body and fosters a calm and tranquil mind.

5 classes

Tree Black

April 4th - May 9th

This course offers a small portion of sacred knowledge so that the beauty and light inherent within the crystal world may continue to be shared and utilized by those who are instinctively drawn to it. The introductory class will help you become familiar with the crystal world, and each of the following five classes will focus on a particular stone and ways to use it.

6 classes

Tree Black

January 2nd - February 6th

This six-week course works through the process of transcending your personal story so that you can empower your life with healing, love and the unlimited power of your higher self. 

6 classes


It's your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

Tree Black
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